Jan 16Liked by Melissa del Bosque

Thank you so much, Melissa for walking right in to talk to these liars. Thanks for even posting links to their trash. Folks really need to see and hear what is out there as "real news that the libtards won't tell you !". This is a terrible time. We try hard to focus on the asylum seekers.

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Thank you Barb and thank you for the important work that you do at the border.

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What do libtards have to do with it?

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Jan 16Liked by Melissa del Bosque

Thanks for this excellent reporting and being willing to confront these guys which they don't expect. I did the same by walking up to the armed white men at a Black Lives Matter demo in the fall of 2020 in Santa Fe. These macho men don't like being questioned. I'll post this on Witness at the Border on Facebook which I typically do with your posts.

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Thank you Karen, yes, I did say to them "you guys look pretty intimidating" which I suppose is the point.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 27Liked by Melissa del Bosque

Catching up with you Melissa! Excellent as always and know that we are with you in heart and spirit. Wish I could have been with you that day;) Call on Tony and I and we'll provide air and land support!🚀

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Thank you Kate, appreciate it!

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22Liked by Melissa del Bosque

This article focuses mostly on the migrant experience, but there is a much more strategic dimension to the problem of wall politics and borders that touches on the very nature of the polity. Readers might not find this piece in the TransAtlantic very appealing, but it might be worth a read to expand the discussion on why the politics of borders is more than a humanitarian crisis and why the current situation bothers so many people.

Do Our Political Elites Really Dislike Walls?


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Good work! These border bullies are no help to vulnerable people. Well armed ignorance is dangerous.

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Jan 17Liked by Melissa del Bosque

reposting at Mexfiles.substack.com

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Great article Melissa! Amazing that this is allowed to go one in America.

I, personally, cannot emphasize enough the need to address the root causes of this so-called "invasion," that being first, corruption, in these so-called "shit-hole countries," according to the maggot master, fueled by the U.S.'s addiction to drugs, corporate unaccountability, and the big one, climate change (the icing on the cake of corporate unaccountability)—all increasingly taxing innocent people's ability to grow food and collect water, while being harassed by evil extortionists with no morality. What would you do Trumpy-bear? Outreach, diplomacy, aid and the application of our great influence on these still developing countries will be key.

We all own these problems and they will come home to roost. As for these bad-actors on our border playing army, our dysfunctional government has created a vacuum in authority and until a great leader emerges (ie: Winston Churchill), we will be vulnerable to more chaos, fascism and even the remote possibility of civil war.

Pardon my long-windedness.

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Thanks Tony. These are all very good points!

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I’m speaking this from my iPhone great article Melissa my thoughts are that we need to emphasize the root causes of the so-called invasion we need much more diplomacy eight and whatever we can do to reach out to these countries in Central America and elsewhere where corruption and climate change is forcing these people north this problem will only get worse with time remind

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Thank you…this POS is having a “bipartisan “🙄 meeting in Wimberley Texas this Sunday. April 14th. I’m planning on attending but the thought of being around all these MAGAS makes me want to vomit

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Jones provides the truth to the American people. We will make sure to shut you down for your propaganda lies. Stop trying to make the good guys look like the bad we know the truth and your propaganda does not work.

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